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Events & Classes

  • Pantry Project - Meal Kits
    Pantry Project - Meal Kits
    Tuesdays 11 AM-1 PM
    Tuesdays 11 AM-1 PM
    Powell, 308 Mountain View St, Powell, WY 82435, USA
    Tuesdays 11 AM-1 PM
    Powell, 308 Mountain View St, Powell, WY 82435, USA
    Tuesdays 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Calendar News

Advent Time

When apocalyptic writing shows up in the readings on Sunday, you know it’s time to pay attention. Not to prepare for the end of time, as this genre is so frequently misunderstood to demand, but to expect the revelation of God in our time. God’s control of time. God’s directing of time toward all that is perfect and true.  Advent asks us not to treat this time, these four weeks, differently, but to live in time differently altogether.  Advent is a reminder that our time is not our own. We like to pretend that it is, that we can manage it efficiently, plan accordingly. That by our sheer determination we can bend to our needs and desires.  The charge to keep awake during this Advent season is not just about waiting and anticipation. It is not just about getting ready or being ready.  Ultimately, God’s entering into time disrupts time, displaces time, disorients time. Not always comfortably. Not always helpfully. Not always desirably. And never how or when we expect. But yet, there God is. In the flesh, in the moment, in the days. This, beloved, is the meaning of waiting, watching, and Advent time.  O, Look There is a special little group of prayers called the O Antiphons, because they all begin with “O.” They go back 1,300 years and are scripturally based prayers focusing on the titles given to Christ in scripture. Originally, they were chanted in monasteries during the last days before Christmas. You already know these antiphons in a different form. The famous carol “O come, O come, Emmanuel” is based on the O Antiphons.  Although typically prayed in the evening, we are using them as a part of our Sunday worship. They add to our sense of anticipation and keep our focus on the coming of Jesus Christ, and all the ways he is named.


Upcoming Events

Bishop’s Visit

Assisting Bishop Katharine Jefferts-Schori will be with us at St. John’s on Saturday  evening, December 7.  We will have an informal gathering at Meg and Steve’s .   Members of the leadership team (Vestry, Outreach, Congregational Care) will meet at 4:30,  and all of our St. John’s Community is welcome at 5:30. Please bring your questions, your hopes, and your joy as we gather to celebrate this special time together.   On Sunday morning, Bishop Katharine will preside and preach for us. Coffee Hour will include soup and bread, veggies of some sort, dessert, and good conversation and fellowship.


Introducing Christmas Connection

The Outreach Committee plans to make the cash giveaway an annual ministry and give it an official name, Christmas Connection. On Sunday we will offer $100 bills to church members to share with someone they know who could use a boost during the holidays. If you don't have a person in mind, you are welcome to give it to a charitable organization that you would like to support.  


Christmas Tree Trip Plans are forming for the annual Christmas Tree Trip on December 21.  Meg will have a sign-up sheet available on Sunday.  The Conoco Station in Lovell (307-548-7110) plans to have permits available.  They tend to sell out quickly, so plan accordingly.  Five Springs Campground is BLM land.


Diocesan Opportunity

The Diocese is offering Sacred Ground, a film-based dialogue series exploring history, faith and racial healing.  There are three different days and times from which to choose, and all are offered on Zoom.  The Zoom groups will begin in January, so please register by December 29 at  For more information, contact the Rev. Canon Lara Gilbert at  


Thrift Shop News

Donations are continuing to flow into the shop.  These donations include household goods, décor and, of course, clothing.  Lots and lots of clothing and footwear. Sadly, our partner in recycling, American Textile Co. of Billings, has closed its doors and we are now currently looking for another recycling partner. In the meantime, we have been sending bagged recycling with individuals going to Billings. If you are going that way and have room in your vehicle to take a few or more bags to a Goodwill Store or to the Salvation Army Store, we would be most appreciative.   Our shed fills up with bags quickly.  If you do take some bags to Billings, please let us know how many you take each time.  If you can help, contact Diana Anderson (307-272-6225).  

Thank you all for your assistance!


Keeping Our Church Safe

At St. John’s, we share a core belief that we are better when we are together— that a loving community is at the center of our life as followers of Jesus. Part of  our obligation to everyone is to prevent the sexual abuse of children and vulnerable  adults and to preserve the trust people have in our organization.  The Episcopal Church in Wyoming is supporting us in this mission by providing  a training program for everyone at St. John’s. Yes, almost everyone.  You may have gotten an email telling you your account with Praesidium is ready.

 Please don’t share your link – it’s just for you. You will get a second email soon  from Martine Grant, explaining which courses you are required to take. Most of  you will take a couple of introductory courses, which take about 20 minutes each.  Leadership of all kinds are required to take more.  Because setting up the accounts is still taking some time, the deadline for completing courses is going to be extended again.  Stay tuned!


Pantry Project

In November, 78 people visited the pantry feeding 217 family members. We were  closed on Tuesday November 24th and directed folks to the Community Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. We were down visitor numbers due to the closure. Thanks to the Feed the Hungry grant, the Episcopal Foundation made $5,000 available to us in December. We were able to come up with three weeks of festive holiday menus. Let's hope that yummy cocktail shrimp lures a few new people to the pantry. Yes, we got them for a really good price. We will be closed on Christmas Eve as there are several options available from generous local agencies that are providing Christmas meals and we helped our visitors sign up for them.  We want to thank Tom and Kathy Walker for their donation of eggs. Our visitors really like having them available occasionally. Cheri Mateo donated a huge supply of personal hygiene products. This allows families to use their money for items they have been putting off. So, thank you Cheri. Diana Anderson donated the ever  necessary and very popular toilet paper. Thank you all so much.  For those that are baking homemade cookies on the 17th, Deb will package them  down depending on how many cookies we receive. You do not need to do anything  fancy, as Deb will take care of it. We want to thank you in advance for being part of  this menu.

The hours for the St. John’s Food Pantry are:

​Tuesdays – 11am-1pm

Tuesdays – 11am-1pm



You do not need to be a member of our church to plan this important aspect of the dying and grieving process.

Burial of the Dead is an act of mercy, and St. John’s is active in the ministry of ritual burial.  You do not need be a member of our church, or any church to plan this important aspect of the dying and grieving process at St. John’s.


The church seats about 110 people, and we have a full kitchen, tables and chairs in the basement for a reception.  Our worship team will also be part of a graveside service or help scatter the ashes of the departed.

Bapstim Fount


We welcome people of all ages--babies, children, teens, adults, and elders-- to receive the sacrament of Baptism.

Baptism is full initiation, by water and the Holy Spirit, into Christ's Body, the Church. We welcome people of all ages--babies, children, teens, adults, and elders-- to receive the sacrament of Baptism.  The baptismal rite occurs in the middle of the service on Sunday morning, after the sermon and before Communion.  Because Baptism is about joining the community, we do not do private services.


Cutting the Cake Together


We welcome the weddings of same-sex and opposite-sex couples alike. You may also have a civil union blessed.

Thank you for considering having your wedding at St. John’s. Before scheduling a wedding, we ask all couples to come to a Sunday service. There you can meet our clergy and other leadership and experience a typical liturgy.


You do not need to be a member of the Episcopal Church to have a wedding here. We welcome the weddings of same-sex and opposite-sex couples alike. You may also have a civil union blessed in the church.

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